Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy




PYGL is part of the Mass Youth Lacrosse League and has adopted an anti-bullying policy. We are committed to providing a caring, fun, and safe environment for all lacrosse participants. It is our hope that players, coaches, and supporters honor the game by demonstrating and encouraging good sportsmanship.

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at any practice, game, or other PYGL sanctioned event associated with our lacrosse program. If bullying is reported to any parent or player, they should immediately report the incident to their coach, or any PYGL Board member who will ensure the complaint is investigated and dealt with promptly and effectively. Not all joking or horseplay is bullying, but when the intent or effect is to cause distress, repetition of such behavior is bullying and will not be tolerated.

Definition of Bullying

Per the American Psychological Association, bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words, or more subtle actions. These actions create a hostile or intimidating environment and can negatively affect a player or player’s performance and participation. Bullying can be in the form of harassment or intimidation by means of gestures, any written, verbal, or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents that results in pain and distress to the victim. Bullying can be:

  • Emotional - being unfriendly, excluding or intentionally ignoring someone

  • Physical - pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence

  • Racist - racial taunts, graffiti, gestures, or other slurs

  • Sexual - unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments

  • Homophobic remarks or focusing on the issue of sexuality

  • Verbal - name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, teasing, taunting, or tormenting

  • Digital - Any communication via the internet, including but not limited to, use of social networking sites to send email, text messaging, internet chat room dialogue, video, and any other communication by use of a computer or cell phone

If a person involved in PYGL (and this includes players, coaches, managers, parents, and volunteers) has taken part in bullying behavior, that person may be subject to consequences. All incidents of Bullying will be referred to and investigated by the PYGL Board. Action steps may include discussions with parents and/or players, informing the police, suspensions or exclusions from practices or games, ineligibility for end of year jamboree, or removal from the team without refund.

Signs and Symptoms

A child may indicate he or she is being bullied through various signs and symptoms. While some children are prone to report bullying to a trusted adult; however, others will not be due to fear, intimidation, or other factors. Coaches and parents should be aware of the following possible signs indicating that bullying may be taking place:

If a child:

  • is frightened or unwilling to attend practice

  • doesn't care to associate with team members

  • asks to be picked up promptly from practice

  • changes their usual routine

  • feigns illness prior to practice or game time

  • becomes withdrawn, anxious, or lacking in confidence

  • starts stammering

  • attempts or threatens suicide or runs away

  • cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares

  • begins to do poorly in schoolwork

  • comes home with missing or damage equipment or clothing

  • asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully)

  • has unexplained cuts or bruises

  • becomes aggressive, disruptive, or unreasonable

  • is bullying other children or siblings

  • stops eating

  • is frightened to say what's wrong

  • gives improbable excuses for any of the above

These signs and behaviors could indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated. If you have concerns or questions regarding this policy, please reach out to a coach or board member and they will work to help answer these concerns/questions for you.